Why Is Full Mouth Reconstruction Better Than Dentures?

Are you tired of constantly worrying about your dentures slipping or falling out? Do you dream of enjoying all your favorite foods without fear or discomfort? It’s time to say goodbye to dentures and hello to full mouth reconstruction!  From improved comfort and confidence to better oral health, discover why more and more people are choosing this life-changing solution for their missing teeth.

What Are The Benefits Of Full Mouth Reconstruction?

If you’ve been considering full mouth reconstruction, you’re not alone. This procedure is becoming increasingly popular, as more and more people are realizing the many advantages it offers. Full mouth reconstruction can give you a brand-new smile that looks and feels natural – and it can be a life-changing experience.

Here are just some of the benefits of full mouth reconstruction:

A natural-looking smile: With today’s advances in dental technology, your new teeth can look and feel just like your natural teeth.

Improved oral health: Full mouth reconstruction can improve your overall oral health by correcting any underlying problems that may be causing tooth loss or decay.

Increased self-confidence: A beautiful new smile can do wonders for your self-confidence. You’ll feel better about yourself and be more likely to smile – something that was probably difficult to do before with your old teeth.

Improved speech: If you were self-conscious about your old teeth, you may have avoided speaking in public or even smiling. But with full mouth reconstruction, you can finally speak and smile with confidence.

Many other benefits come along with full mouth reconstruction, especially when compared to dentures. For starters, full mouth reconstruction gives you the ability to eat and drink whatever you want without having to worry about your teeth falling out. They also look and feel more natural than dentures, which can often look fake and feel uncomfortable. Additionally, full mouth reconstructions are designed to last a lifetime, while dentures need to be replaced every few years.

Treatment Options When Both Arches Are Missing

There are many reasons why a person might need full mouth reconstruction or other treatments for missing one of both arches. Some people were born with congenital defects that affect the way their teeth develop. Others may have suffered an injury or trauma to the mouth that has left them with dental problems. And still, others may have developed dental problems due to poor oral hygiene or other lifestyle choices.

No matter what the reason, if you need treatment for missing one or both arches, there are several different options available to you, but only one option is superior.

The two top treatment options available are:

Full Mouth Reconstruction: When we say full mouth reconstruction we are talking about dental implants. It’s one of the most effective ways to replace missing or damaged teeth. It involves surgically implanting metal posts into the jawbone, which act as anchors for replacement teeth.

Dentures: Dentures are artificial teeth that are custom-made to fit over the gums. They can be used to replace all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, or they can be used to fill in gaps where there are missing teeth. Dentures can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, acrylic, and porcelain.

The Process of Full Mouth Reconstruction

The process of full mouth reconstruction is a multi-step process that can take several months to complete. The first step is to consult with one of our dentists here at Renova to see if you are a candidate for the procedure. If you are, the next step is to have an exam and x-rays taken of your mouth. This will help the dentist determine what treatment options are available to you.

Once the initial consultation and exam are complete, the next step is to begin the actual reconstruction process. This involves extractions (if needed), placing the implants, and adding temporary restorations while the implant sites heal.

Once the sites have fully healed, and the permanent restorations have been completed, they will be placed permanently.

The final step in the process is to have a follow-up visit with Dr. Villanueva or Dr. Cochen to make sure that everything is healing properly and that you are happy with the results. Full mouth reconstruction can give you back your smile and confidence and your life will be forever changed!

What to Expect After Surgery

After your full mouth reconstruction surgery is complete, you will likely feel some discomfort and will be prescribed medication to help manage any pain. You will also need to take it easy for a few days and stick to soft foods while your mouth heals.

It is important not to smoke or drink alcohol during this time as it can slow down the healing process. Most people report feeling much better after a week or two and can return to their normal diet and activity level at that time.

You may still have some swelling and tenderness for a month or two, but this should gradually improve. It is important to follow up with your dentist or oral surgeon after surgery as they will want to monitor your healing and make sure everything is progressing as it should. They may also adjust your dentures or dental implants if necessary.

Advantages Over Dentures

If you are considering getting dentures, you may want to think again. Full mouth reconstruction has many advantages over dentures, including a more natural look and feel, better eating and speaking ability, and improved oral health.

Dentures can slip and slide around in your mouth, making it difficult to eat and talk. They also don’t provide the same level of support for your jaw as your natural teeth do. This can lead to further problems down the road, such as TMJ disorder.

Full mouth reconstruction gives you back a strong, healthy bite and makes eating and talking easy again. It also supports your jaw and facial muscles, helping to prevent future problems.

Full Mouth Reconstruction At Renova: Change Your Life Forever!

If you are unhappy with your dentures or are considering getting dentures for the first time, talk to us about full mouth reconstruction. You may be surprised by how affordable they are in the long run. And they are the best decision for your long-term oral health! Contact us for a free consultation! (a $750 value)



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