Dental Solutions

Single Implants

We are specialist in both the surgical and prosthetic aspects of dental implants to provide you with the most natural looking replacement for your missing tooth.

Full Arch Replacement

(All on 4)

For the most difficult cases, when your teeth are failing and need to be extracted, or when you don’t have any teeth ; dental implants are used to replace all your teeth and give you a smile back in one day. This immediate fixed solution will give your confidence back, transforming your life.

Plastic Periodontal Surgery

(Crown Lentening)

Your gums are a very important component of your smile, not only functionally but also aesthetically. We perform minimally invasive procedures to improve your gums quality, quantity and architecture, giving you the aesthetics that creates a perfect smile.

Oral Surgery

(3 Molar Extraction) (Exposure or Impacted Teeth)

We provide wisdom teeth extractions as well as exposure of impacted teeth for orthodontic purposes. We provide these services under conscious sedation for the most comfortable experience for our patients.


(Bone and Gum Grafting)

After teeth missing for a long time, bone undergoes resorption and needs to be rebuild prior to placing implants. We used the latest technology and materials in tissue engineering to regenerate the bone prior to implant placement.

Smile design

Analyzing the relationship between your face and your smile is a complex task that we do carefully and thoroughly. We incorporate the latest technology, using sophisticated and dynamic tools that allows us to DESIGN the smile of YOUR dreams.


Whether you ARE MISSING one or multiple teeth or have the need for dental extractions; dental implants are a great option to restore function and aesthetics. They look and feel natural.

Periodontal Therapy

Periodontal disease have a significant impact on patients general health. We offer a variety of non-surgical and surgical methods for the control of periodontal disease and for the maintenance of periodontal health.

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